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Our drive from Spokane WA to Coram Montana was such a gorgeous one, that it is worthy of post of its own.

A highway through the forest with cars and a family in a buggy with 2 horses driving from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Amish family on the highway in their 2 horsepower buggy

Spokane WA to Coram Montana

The weather was on our side. It was a glorious sunny day for our drive from Spokane to Coram. And there was so much beauty that I just kept my phone at the ready to snap shots along the way. I often think that my photos taken through the windows of Ladybug will be blurry. After all, I take them while Steve is driving at 50 or 60 miles per hour. There have been a few shots that I immediately sent to trash, but by and large I have been astounded by the quality. I guess that says a lot about just how awesome the camera is in my iPhone 12 Pro Max! And no, this is NOT a sponsored post.

Lake surrounded by mountains and trees seen from the highway driving from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Passing through Coeur d’Alene, Columbia River Basin, Idaho

En route to Montana we drove through the norther tip of Idaho. Coeur d’Alene to be exact. And then we blinked, and we were in Montana!

50,000 Silver Dollar

Yellow and red sign for 50,000 Silver Dollar Casino and Inn driving from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

We stopped at the 50,000 Silver Dollar Casino and Inn in Haugan Montana

As we continued along I-90 we noticed signs for a unique, family friendly, full service stop known as the 50,000 Silver Dollar. So we absolutely had to stop. The place was amazing. They make it easy for anyone to park. There were plenty of parking spaces for automobiles as well as nice long spots for semi trucks and RVs.

Long single story building with yellow signs for 50,000 Silver Dollar Casino and Inn en route from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Of course, we had to go shopping and take pix of the 50,000 Silver Dollar Casino, Inn, Restaurant and Gift Shop

The 50,000 Silver Dollar is located smack dab in the middle of the Lolo National Forest. That alone makes it a wonderful place to stop for all sorts of recreational activities including hundreds of miles of forest roads for ATV, Jeep or Snowmobile travel. In addition there are trails for hiking, biking or motorcycling. Nearby attractions of note include the historic Savanac tree nursery, Lookout Pass ski area, the route of Hiawatha bike trail and the Silver Mountain ski area and bike park.

Montana’s Largest Gift Shop

But the place itself is an attraction in its own right. They boast that they’re the site of Montana’s largest gift shop. It’s definitely not your average souvenir shop. There are over 5000 square feet of goodies for sale. That translates to thousands of different items from Montana as well as the rest of the world. For us, it meant an opportunity to purchase a new magnet to mark this stop along our journey.

And so much more

In addition to the enormous gift shop, there is a family-style restaurant, two bars, two casinos, a gas station, inn, motel and RV park.

Silver Dollars keep rolling in

Inside a saloon where 50,000 silver dollars are displayed on our route from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Go ahead. Count them. 50,000 silver dollars!

Located in Haugan, Montana, 50,000 Silver Dollar was formerly known as the World Famous 10,000 Silver Dollar Bar. But those silver dollars keep rolling in. They update the walls with the new coins once each year. There are silver dollars absolutely everywhere. The bar is embedded with them as are the walls and ceiling and floor. By July 2016 the count was at 68,770. At last count

Inside a saloon with wagon wheel chandeliers, slot machines and silver dollars everywhere on our route from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

50,000 Silver Dollar has everything from a saloon to a casino, restaurant, gift shop and hotel!

The owner/manager is Brooke Lincoln, and this place has been in the Lincoln family since it opened. The very first coins were embedded in the bar top, including the one put in by her grandparents, Gerry and Marie Lincoln. Then locals followed suit and kept contributing more silver dollars. By 1953 there were enough coins that the bar became known as Lincoln’s 2,000 Bar. And the name keeps changing because they receive about 2,000 coins each year from patrons. Proudly displayed on a board just above the bar is the latest count. When we were there it read $81,947 but I’m sure in the few months since our visit that number has grown.

A copper statue of Abraham Lincoln at a stop on our drive from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Look who we bumped into at the 50,000 Silver Dollar aka Lincoln Silver Dollar

Perhaps next time we stop the new name will be 100,000 Silver Dollar!

A bar top with silver dollars embedded seen on our way from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Silver Dollars everywhere, including embedded in the bar top!

Displayed prominently on a board above the bar is the latest count-$81,947.

Saloon with people and a couple of cowboy sculptures on our way from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Just a couple of cowboys hangin’ out at the saloon.

If our schedule was not so carefully planned, we probably would have spent a night or two in the RV park. IT’S FREE!!!

Continuing on to Coram Montana

On the highway driving through a National forest en route from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Lolo National Forest, Plains Montana

Mountains and forest with cabins and road en route from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Cabins in Lolo National Forest, Plains MT

Grass and tree covered mountains on our beautiful drive from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Plains Montana

Expanse of green grass with mountains in the distance en route from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

More of beautiful Plains Montana

However, after our brief stop we continued on our merry way to get to Coram. After all, our destination was only seven miles from the entrance to Glacier National Park. Glacier was one of the top places on our bucket list and we were anxious to get there.

A white and green RV parked in front of a brown wood restaurant on our way from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

A restaurant in Hot Springs, Flathead MT with parking for RVs

A grassy area leading to a lake with mountains in the distance on our drive from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

Gorgeous scenic drive from Spokane WA to Coram Montana

An RV with a map of the USA showing all of the states we've stayed in.

We finally got to put Montana on our map! Only 8 states to go!!!

As we continued to drive along I-90 we passed through Plains, Hot Springs and Big Arm Flathead, finally arriving at our RV park in beautiful Coram Montana.

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