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Visiting Spokane Washington got off to a rocky start, after a picturesque drive from Seattle. Our stop in Spokane was along our route to our next destination, the state of Montana.

Colorful A-fame homes nestled in the woods along our route for Visiting Spokane Washington

Snoqualmie Pass WA

Snow dusted mountain is reflected in lake en route to Visiting Spokane Washington

Along Snoqualmie Pass we marveled at how the mountain reflected in the lake.

Visiting Spokane Washington

Since we had been doing so much sightseeing in Seattle, it was nice to go somewhere that we could relax a bit before continuing to tick off places on our bucket list. We left the lovely Blue Sky RV Park in Issaquah and began our journey back east. It was a glorious day and we kept passing scenery along our route that took our breath away. Steve had booked us a site at Willow Bay RV Resort, in Nine Mile Falls just outside of Spokane, for 4 nights. The website said there were full hook-ups, meaning we would have electric, water and sewer. When we arrived at our site, after a rather long drive, we just wanted to hook up and chill.

Snow capped mountains and trees reflected in very still lake on our way to Visiting Spokane Washington Clouds and mountains create a perfect mirror image in lake on our way to Visiting Spokane Washington

Raging waterfall at electric plant seen while Visiting Spokane Washington

Nine Mile Falls WA

Upon check-in we learned that they no longer had sewer hook ups!!! And – they didn’t even have a dump station available on the property. We had to drive all the way back to a state park, 12-15 miles away, pay the dumping fee, connect our sewer hose and empty our holding tanks. Then we had to drive all the back again to the RV park. We finally got to relax, unwind and plan our day of exploring Spokane.

Lawn, lake and mountains at our RV park while Visiting Spokane Washington

Willow Bay RV Resort on Long Lake in Nine Mile Falls WA

A gaggle of geese on the lawn at our RV park while Visiting Spokane Washington

Canadian Geese at Willow Bay RV Resort in Nine Mile Falls WA

Geese floating on a lake surrounded by mountains and trees while Visiting Spokane Washington

More geese enjoying Long Lake on their way back to Canada for the summer.

A painted yellow Mason Jar filled with purple, lavender and white lilacs and three brown feathers on our kitchen counter while Visiting Spokane Washington

Our beautiful and fragrant lilac bouquet

At least the park was beautiful. We were right on a lake (Long Lake is just one of 76 lakes within an hour of Spokane) so we had a fabulous view. And instead of a normal hedge separating the park from the highway, there were dozens of lilac bushes in full bloom. The sweet scent permeated the air and the array of colors was a work of art. I took full advantage and clipped enough stems to fill my Mason Jar vase. And those feathers were feathers from the many geese found on the property and lake. I thought they’d be a fun addition to my lilac bouquet.

Donut Parade

After much needed sleep, Steve and I headed out the next day to visit Spokane. Our first stop was for the breakfast of champions, donuts!

A dark red sign with white lettering that says Donut Parade est. 1968

Donut Parade Spokane WA

The entry to a bakery with a huge red stand mixer on display seen while Visiting Spokane Washington

Now that’s what I call a stand mixer!!!

A pastry case filled with assorted donuts while Visiting Spokane Washington

Enticing pastries at Donut Parade in Spokane

A glass pastry case filled with assorted donuts at Donut Parade in Spokane WA

So many donuts, so little time

We headed straight to Donut Parade, established in 1968, because we figured that any place that has been in business a year longer than Steve and I have been married, must be doing something right. Judging by all of the empty spots in the display cases we were right. But don’t worry. There may have been lots of donuts sold the at day, but there were still more than enough to choose from. I’m pretty sure we both chose Apple Fritters, but it was May 24 when we went, and we were ravenous, so we ate our pastries and never took a shot of what we ordered. What I do remember is that whatever we ate, it was delish!!!

Riverfront Park

Waterfalls and rapids in downtown Spokane WA

Spokane Falls Washington

Downtown and park area seen from the bridge crossing the Spokane River while Visiting Spokane Washington

A view from the bridge in Spokane shows off the downtown area

A suspension bridge across the Spokane River while Visiting Spokane Washington

Riverfront Park Spokane WA

After our donut brunch we wanted to explore a bit of Spokane. We stopped by Spokane Falls, which was really awesome, but didn’t really see much more of the city. Unfortunately the weather turned rainy and chilly so after visiting the Falls and driving around the downtown area, we just headed back to Ladybug where it was warm and dry.

Setting sun over a lake while Visiting Spokane Washington

Sun setting over Long Lake in Washington state

Sadly, Spokane is one of the very few place we have stopped along our journey that we have no desire to return to. I think they are working hard to redevelop the city, but there really was not much to see. We did enjoy Riverside Park and learned that Gonzaga University was nearby. Like I said, we needed some rest and we were in a great place for that. Plus we were very excited for our next stop to visit Glacier National Park.

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