White House Sub Shop originally published on Food and Fond Memories on April 27, 2011 by sandyaxelrod 5 Comments (Edit)

The White House Special! And that’s jus a half.

Hi From the White House
White House Sub Shop
Ahh… White House Subs. Just the mere thought of one makes my mouth water. I am sure that anyone who has ever eaten one feels the same way I do. Whenever we travel to Atlantic City, which is usually for at least one week each summer, our very first stop before we even check into our hotel is the White House. And our order is always the same. Steve orders a half of a capicola, genoa and provolone sub and a half of a cheesesteak with sauce and hot peppers on the side, I get a half of a pepper cheesesteak with sauce and fried onions. Of course I always have to have a big bite of Steve’s cold sub. A half of one of their subs or cheesesteaks is abundant with meat and cheese and as long as most whole subs elsewhere. After that first visit upon arriving in Atlantic City we will return at least three or four times before departing for home and we always bring some home with us packed for travel of course. Their subs are well known the world over! The walls are covered with overlapping photos of every celebrity and dignitary who has ever crossed their threshold. Opened originally in 1946 by a World War II veteran and his family and until recently only family members worked there or close friends of the family. It is still the same little hole in the wall we went to when we first got married the only noticeable change is that they replaced the two pinball machines in the back with soda machines. Before Steve and I could afford our own summer apartment in Atlantic City we used to go for the weekends and stay with Steve’s parents. We always stopped there to eat before going back to Philadelphia and Steve would play pinball profitably for hours. Our son Brian paid his very first visit to those hallowed halls when he was only about two months old. He was so tiny in his infant seat right on the table. I guess just smelling their subs got him hooked for life. In fact a couple of years ago when we went to Atlantic City without Eve and Brian we had to Fed Ex the subs packed in dry ice he craved the so much. I remember the next morning the phone call we got when they arrived. All he could manage to say, at 9 in the morning, was mmmmmmmmmmm because his mouth was so full of White House goodness!