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There is so much going on right now in our lives and I’m ready to share The Traveling Locavores exciting news!

Photo of Steve and I in a circle with info about us. The Traveling Locavores Exciting News

About Us

Steve and I have been traveling full time in our gorgeous RV dubbed Ladybug for just about 4 1/2 years now. We have traversed the country three times and about to do it all over again!!!

During that time we have been searching for the perfect, work from anywhere, business. A couple of months ago we found that perfect fit. Because of that I am developing an additional blog to highlight, inform and promote our new venture.

Home page of a website with colorful RV interior shown is part of The Traveling Locavores Exciting News

A sneak peek at our new site Working on our Journey!

Our new site, which hopefully will be up in the next couple of weeks, is called Working on our Journey. Steve and I are trying to develop the site on our own. And, along with that create the social media pages for Working on our Journey. Yikes!

In order to focus on getting the new site up and running a couple of things need to happen. First, I need to take, no more than 2 weeks, off from posting on The Traveling Locavores. And, so that I can still devote time to exploring new destinations, I am going to cut back to only posting once a week. That will give me time to post regularly, also once a week, on Working on our Journey.

I promise that as soon as the new site is live on the web, I will resume here. Please don’t leave me. I love each and every one of my loyal readers! I hope that when the new site is up you will take a look around and maybe even subscribe to the new site as well. After all, pretty much everyone can use a bit of extra income.

So, please forgive the short interruption in hearing about our continuing journey. I will be back very soon. Promise!

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