Steve and I love the beach and ocean so being able to explore the Southern California Coast was exciting to us.

Had a lovely stay at the Castaic RV Park near our friend’s home in Santa Clarita
We had moved a little bit further north than the Redlands to the Castaic RV Park campground near Santa Clarita so we could visit an old friend. But that also brought us closer to Malibu and Topanga. So of course, we had to drive to the coast.

Nothing says beach quite like a seagull perched on a rail!

Malibu Beach
We ate some take out in the car and then cruised the PCH to enjoy the unbelievably beautiful views. The Southern California coast is breathtaking. There are areas where there are great visible expanses of the beach and the Pacific. And then there were stretches where really cool beach houses obscured our coastal view completely.

Late afternoon sky at Malibu beach

Malibu hillside homes along the Pacific Coast Highway
One of the things that is so astounding is that you literally have the beach on one side of the street and mountains on the other. Of course, I can only imagine the steep curvy roads those people have to maneuver to get to the houses built on the mountainside! I’ll take one of those beach houses. Thank you very much1

Steve made a new fur friend at the beach in Topanga.
I can attribute my attraction to Malibu to being a fan of Three and a Half Men. So, if you ever watched the show you can picture they type of beach houses that we drove passed. But what I did not expect was to be so wowed by the natural beauty of the coast itself.

Rocky cliffs in Topanga, CA.

Rock formations created a cozy cove along the Southern California Coast in Topanga

Looking for the perfect wave!
It struck me that the beaches in Southern California are separated by mountainous areas that jut into the ocean. Although there may have been miles between the jutting rocks, it made the beach feel private and cozy.

Only at Walmart!!!
On the way home from the coast we made a couple of stops in Topanga. Our first stop was at a Walmart for something RV related. I know you have all seen pix of “Walmart people” on social media. But I have never seen those people up close and personal. Until that afternoon in Topanga. I saw this girl walk in with a truly bizarre outfit. She was in chic black from head to toe. And her attire was accessorized with skin. Lots and lots of bare skin. I just had to sneak a photo for posterity!

Stopped for groceries in Topanga and we were treated to this gorgeous sunset.
From there we picked up a couple of ingredients that I needed for dinner and saw the most spectacular sunset.
Our next day was spent enjoying the company of an old classmate of mine. But there is much more to that story!
About 3 years ago I got a message on Facebook from Preston, at that point I didn’t know him, asking me if I was related to Evelyn Axelrod from Philadelphia. She was Steve’s mother!!! Preston had Evelyn as his teacher in 5th grade at Beth Jacob Hebrew Day School. She remembered her with fondness. And of all of his teachers, she was the one he remembered most. I was astounded to have this new connection. But there’s more…
It turns out that after 5th grade he went to public school. We were classmates from 6th grade on. And though we were not friends back then, we had many, many mutual friends.
Over the three years since we connected on Facebook we became really great friends. Steve and I were both delighted to be able to connect with Preston and his wife Jan at their home in Santa Clarita. We stayed outside on the patio and kept socially distant. But the distance was physical due to Covid. From the moment we were all face to face we felt a closeness that you feel with family.

We thoroughly enjoyed being entertained by Preston’s singing and strumming.
Preston is a very witty poet who frequently puts music to his clever poems. So of course, We urged him to entertain us with his talent. And he happily obliged.
Seeing new and astounding, bucket list sights and reconnecting with friends and family is what this journey of ours is all about. That and tasting America one bite at a time.