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What a truly scenic drive it was to Silverton and Ouray from Durango!!! Steve and I are constantly in awe of the beauty that G-d created in this amazing country of ours.

Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray with snow capped mountains and lots of trees

San Juan National Forest

Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray with clouds beginning to cover blue sky

Storm Clouds Rolling In

Storm cloud over a snow streaked mountain peak

Rain’s a comin’

Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

As I mentioned in my previous post, we had been to Silverton before. Our first trip there was in 2007. At that time we took a tour that got us to Silverton and then, after spending a couple of hours wandering the main street, we took the train back.

Truck full of log on our Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Log Load

Mountain lake surrounded by trees with RVs parked seen on our Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Beautiful lake and campground in the Eastern Rockies corridor

I remember how spectacular that train ride was, and have some great photos to help with those memories. But once you’ve taken that train ride there’s no real reason to spend, what is now a small fortune, again. So the Pitts and the Axelrods piled in the car and drove that Million Dollar Highway to Silverton and then continued on to Ouray.


Jeeps parked in fron to the World's largest Harley Store in Silverton

World’s Highest Harley Store

Driving through a forest of trees on our Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Acres of Trees

Highway curving around tree covered mountains on our Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain

The drive alone is worth the trip. It has to be one of the most scenic drives in America.

Tree covered mountains with snow streaked peaks in the distance

It’s the middle of June and there’s still snow on the mountains!

Lots of white cloud and trees along a mountain highway on out Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Do you see the puppies in the clouds?

Shadows play on the sunlit mountain rocks on our Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Light and Shadow

Starting with our delectable lunch at Thee Pitts Again BBQ and some great shopping we learned a bit more about this old mining town, Silverton.

Colorful sign for the Grand Imperial Hotel in Silverton

The Grand Imperial Hotel in Silverton CO

Ornately carved medium brown wood piano at hotel in Silverton CO

Piano ordered from John Wannamaker’s Department Store in Philadelphia

One of the highlights was the Grand Imperial Hotel. In the lobby there’s a gorgeous piano that I had an immediate connection to because it came from Philadelphia. The piano was purchased from Wannamaker’s Department Store in Philly. There’s a sign sitting on the piano that says: “John Wanamaker, department store founder, traveled to Silverton in the late 1800’s. The piano was ordered, then shipped, from Philadelphia to San Francisco,, where it was met by John Wannamaker, who personally traveled with it for delivery to the Grand Imperial Hotel sometime around the turn of the century.

Angular gray peaks on left of highway and craggy tan rock on right.

Gray and Tan

Deep gray and purple rock formations on our Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Study in Purple and Gray

Dangerous mountain road with rock formations and shear drop visible on left.

Scenic and Scary

Wannamaker’s was always special to me. When I was a teenager I would take the subway to center city after school ever Tuesday to meet my Mom by the Eagle on the main floor. Then before we’d shop the sales, we’d head to the café for Rum Raisin Ice Cream.

On the way to Ouray

Highway leading into Ouray with some homes visible through the trees in the distance.

Approaching Ouray CO

An old west looking town with mountains in the background on our Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray

Another western town that takes us back in time

By the time we got back in the car we had shopped till we dropped. We were all happy to be seated on our way to Ouray. Once there we did go to the Visitor’s Center, then just drive around to get a feel for the town.

Scenic Drive to Silverton and Ouray revealed a rushing waterfall through a hole in mountain.

Rushing Waterfall

Snow melt forms a trickle of a waterfall down the mountain in Ouray


A small group of evergreens set apart from the forest with mountains in the background.


On our way home to Durango we got to stop and enjoy a couple of waterfalls which made our scenic drive to Silverton and Ouray absolutely perfect!

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