Are you wondering how you can be reigniting your passion for home cooking? Most people are aware that they should be cooking at home more often than not. However, with busy lives, it isn’t so easy to stand at the stove and make lovely wholesome meals. A lot of people rely on convenience, take-out, microwave meals, lots of unhealthy snacks, I could go on. But I won’t! I’d rather give you some tips that should help rekindle that fire for cooking

Beautiful fresh ingredients can inspire new recipes that will reignite your passion for home cooking! Photo Credit: Pixabay
Reigniting Your Passion for Home Cooking
I’m a rare bird. I LOVE to cook. Sure every once in a while I prefer to let someone else do it, but that’s rare. So, if you want to find ways to make you want to cook from home more, then you need to find ways to fall in love with cooking all over again. And, though this may be easier said than done and it may require a fair bit of effort, I’m here to help. Because if you can develop a deeper love for home cooking, you will be healthier and as an added bonus, be better off financially too.
The Kitchen
Let’s start with the kitchen. Where you cook is key. That means you need the kitchen to be a pleasant space that you want to be in. Take a look at it. What is preventing you from wanting to be in there? Do you need to declutter and clean up a bit? Do you need to get your utensils and saucepans, and so on, in order and close at hand? Does it need a fresh coat of paint and a bit of an upgrade? Do you need a seating area with limited space? Can you invest in a space-saving table and chairs? If you can get a little creative with the decor of the kitchen, you may find that this is a much more pleasant space to spend time and do the cooking you know you should be doing.
If you think cooking is going to be a chore, then it will be. If you decide it is going to be a peaceful and fun experience, then it will be. What you think generally turns out to be true, so put a positive spin on it. Mindfulness is a way of enjoying the moment, becoming more present, and being far more relaxed and at home in your own skin. When you are cooking, try and make it a mindful technique. Focus on the things that arouse your senses, the smells, tastes, textures, visuals of the colors, the sounds of food sizzling away, and so on. Forget about your worries and fears, just immerse yourself in the experience, and it will feel far more enjoyable.
Get Creative With Food
Always cooking the same old meals with the same ingredients from the same stores in the same ways is going to get boring and dull. You need to mix it up. Keeping things fresh and exciting will definitely help you reignite a passion for cooking. There are various ways you can do this. Think about mixing and meshing spices and herbs to create your very own unique flavors. You can try recipes from around the world, like this Mexican street corn recipe, and experiment with things you may never have thought of before. Why not buy some unusual cook books, or go shopping at different fruit and vegetable market than you usually do. Then seek out different fruit and vegetables and create some recipes around them? This is a way of learning about new foods and new ways of cooking too.
Hi Sandy!
The kitchen is also my happy place. Best advice I can share…. Invest in a few good knives, and keep them sharp. Gamechanger!
You’ve certainly got that right. Good knives are the best investment anyone who cooks could make. Keeping them honed makes them less dangerous too. People don’t realize that they’re more likely to be injured by a dull knife than a sharp one. A total game changer!!!