The day before we departed from our beloved New Orleans we got to experience our first Mardi Gras Parade, up close and personal. And what a fabulous experience that was!!!

Mardi Gras Parade Revelers wear such fun costumes!

Ye Royal Bath

Dumbo leads the parade for Purple Haze
Words cannot describe what it felt like to actually be at a Mardi Gras Parade. It was so joyful that my constant, ear to ear grin, made my face hurt by the end of the parade. But nothing hurts so good as that!

Purple hair is the craze on Purple Haze

The Jungle Juice

Sassyracs float
Our dear friends Holly and Paul had promised to get us to a parade and they were true to their word. Neighbors and friends of theirs own a wonderful boutique on Magazine Street called Alice and Amelia, just one block from the parade route. Lucky for us, they invited us to park in the boutique’s parking lot! That made it a very easy stroll to the Krewe of Tucks Mardi Gras Parade.

Dancin’ in the streets!

Krewe of Tucks brings Friar Tuck to the parade!

Our merry band of revelers, from left: Me, Steve, Holly and Simma
I mean, we were so close that the people on the floats could hand us beads. Steve and I amassed a huge haul of 55 strands of beads and a boatload of trinkets. The Krewe is sponsored by Tucks, the hemorrhoid treatment people. So as I’m sure you’ve noticed in the photos, there was a bathroom related theme for many of the floats, trinkets and beads. We even caught a roll of printed toilet paper. The 2 of us had 4 bags filled to the brim, plus the beads and hats we put on.

Is that Elvis in the house? Suspicious Minds want to know.

It’s not a parade without a marching band!

Friar Tuck
And the people were so friendly and fun. Steve had caught a cool silver sequined white fedora that lit up. He looked adorable in his new hat. And then, two young men standing near me, handed me one of the hats they’d caught. They said if my husband had one, I needed one. I was thrilled and immediately donned my new fedora.

Hey Dude – Peace and Love

Steve and I gleefully catching beads and trinkets

Flag girls dancing along the parade route
When our first Mardi Gras Parade was over we walked back to Alice and Amelia, put our treasures in the trunk and crashed exhaustedly into the welcoming vehicle. But not before Paul dubbed me an official NOLA GIRL with a coffee mug and car magnet from the boutique. A title I am very proud of! NOLA GIRL merch is a registered trademark of Alice and Amelia.

If the boat’s a rockin’. tucks did the knockin’

Booze Cruise Krewe of Tucks

Right Place-Wrong Time Rhinestone Cowboy float
We drove back to Holly and Paul’s street to drop off their neighbor Simma, who’d joined us for the parade. Then, still in a Mardi Gras state of mind, the four of us went to a Mardi Gras block party and lavish private house party, which I will tell you about in my next post.

A taste of the Caribbean right in NOLA

Tucks on Tap

Belly up to the bar boys and get InTUCKSicated
One thing I can assure you of, this may have been our first Mardi Gras Parade…but it definitely will not be our last – G-d willing!!!

Storyville Jazz and the Voodoo League

Krewe of Dolly

Funky Tucks, Love Child and Funky Fox