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Our last day at Mesa Regal RV Resort was spent taking a drive to Old Town Scottsdale Arizona and enjoying the art everywhere.

An art gallery on a street corner with a round sign on a tall pole. The sign lets you know that you are in Old Town Scottsdale Arizona

Welcome to Old Town Scottsdale Arizona

We had been to Scottsdale about 5 years prior when we also went to Phoenix, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Our time in Scottsdale was brief but it left a lasting impression that made us want to return.

Old Town Scottsdale Arizona

A bronze sculpture of a cowboy on a bucking bronco on the sidewalk in front of an art gallery in Old Town Scottsdale Arizona

This fabulous bronze sculpture of a cowboy on a bronco is on the sidewalk outside an art gallery.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day to walk around. What made it really perfect was that there was art and beauty everywhere we looked. We parked the car on a side street and immediately saw a stunning bronze sculpture right there on the sidewalk by an art gallery. The sculpture of a cowboy on a bucking bronco reminded us of a bygone era in Arizona history.

A bronze sculpture of a man standing and a woman on a horse in front of a white spiral staircase in #rvlife #rvtravel #fulltimerv #lifeontheroad #rving #rvliving

Another fabulous sculpture in one of the courtyards. This one reminds us of Arizona’s cultural background.

Old Town Scottsdale Arizona is a fabulous place for art lovers. The streets are lined with galleries, boutiques, restaurants and bars. Courtyards are landscaped and filled with more sculptures. It was a thrill to see just how artful a small downtown area can be.

Jewelry Inspiration

Stunning pink tinged Prickly Pear Cactus enhancing the landscape of Old Town

For me there was inspiration wherever I looked. My art is jewelry making. Although I also believe that the creative cooking that I am passionate about is art as well. But I digress. I LOVE making jewelry. It always makes me feel like I’m playing. Aboard Ladybug I have cases and cases of gorgeous beads. And when I feel the urge to create new pieces I open those cases and start pulling from various colors. I swear the beads talk to me and guide me through the process until I can picture a completed necklace or earrings. Then I actually create what is pictured in my head. Frequently I end up making 10 new pieces at a time because while working on the initial piece my mind is seeing new designs.

These horses are part of the garden landscaping that makes Old Town Scottsdale so gorgeous.

So when I stroll through a garden or a jewelry store I make mental notes about color combinations. So many times I will do a quick sketch of something that has inspired me. And there were many times that I stopped to do just that as we meandered through Old Town.

Crazy Horse Gallery

And then we wandered in to Crazy Horse Gallery. In addition to have a huge amount of gorgeous art, there was whimsy everywhere else. I was so enthralled with the art that surrounded me when I suddenly realized I didn’t see Steve anywhere. That’s when I discovered I had only seen half of the gallery!

A piece of art showing a white duck taped to a red background with gray tape in Old Town Scottsdale Arizona

“Duck Tape” by Will Bullas

Steve was in an entirely different room. He was standing and staring at a very humorous and poignant piece of art titled “Duck Tape”, pictured above. Now I’m sure you’re wondering how something so funny could be poignant. Well…

My father-in-law, of blessed memory, was in the wholesale plumbing supply business. We always had rolls and rolls of duct tape. But Dad, Steve, me and everyone else in the family always referred to it as Duck tape. You know the stuff. It’s gray and hold really well. The hotter it gets, the stickier and more gripping the tape becomes.

Pretty much anything can be held together with duct tape. I’m a witness to that. Before moving to Florida we went to visit Steve’s parents there. Steve and I wanted to go out for a lovely dinner in Palm Beach. So we borrowed their car which was totally held together by – you guessed it – Duck Tape!!! We didn’t dare valet park at this very fancy restaurant in that car. And to make matters worse, we parked between two Rolls Royces.

So when Steve saw this duck taped to the wall with good old duct tape, all he could think of was his Dad. I knew it was a no brainer. I had to buy it for him for Hanukah. Thank goodness it was small enough to fit on the wall in Ladybug.

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