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A couple of months ago Nicole Schwegman, of the fabulous Podcast, interviewed me for My BFF with the Chef Podcast! And after editing out my little Yorkie Hershi barking at a delivery truck, it aired on Wednesday. To entice you to listen, comment and subscribe I am posting a trailer along with some quotes from my interview.

Nicole and I talk about all sorts of food related things including knife skills, seasoning and how to create a really crunchy coating on fried foods. My hope is that one day in the not too distant future I will be able to create a podcast of my own. I would love to be able to interview chefs, farmers and wine makers all of the country when we begin our full time RV life. The plan is to be able to taste America one bite at a time and share it all with you.

A pink background with a chef's quote about seasoning. Pink background with chef's quote about dessert Pink background with chef's quote about the importance of a good knifeTo listen to my podcast just click here → BFF with the Chef Podcast

I hope you enjoy my podcast. It was my first time doing a podcast of any sort. And I have to say that it was really fun. I hope I was able to give you some insight on preparing great food. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or comments in the comments section below this post. Thanks!

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