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This was our second visit to Roswell. When we were there last year the town was pretty much closed. So a visit to the International UFO Museum Roswell NM was out of the question. And because we were so disappointed we decided to try again this year.

A flying saucer in a storefront window along with aliens at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM. The storefronts across the street are reflected in the glass.

International UFO Museum Roswell NM

International UFO Museum Roswell NM

A woman in an ice blue top and magenta leggings stands between 2 alien figures at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

Which one is the alien?

The International UFO Museum and Research Center at Roswell, New Mexico was organized to inform the public about what’s come to be known as “The Roswell Incident.” The Museum is a non-profit  corporation dedicated to the collection and preservation of materials and information in written, audio and visual formats that are related to the 1947 Roswell Incident and other unexplained phenomena related to UFO research. The UFO Museum tries very hard to be the leading information source in history, science and research about UFO events around the world. The International UFO Museum’s constituents are committed to gathering and disbursing to all interested parties in the most qualified and up-to-date information available.

The Crash Near Roswell

A man in navy sweats standing by a group of aliens with Santa hats at International UFO Museum Roswell NMSometime during the first week of July 1947, an unidentified flying object crashed on a ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico.

A rancher W.W. “Mack” Brazel said he found debris from the crash when he and the son of Floyd and Loretta Proctor rode their horses out to check on sheep after a fierce thunderstorm the night before. Brazel said that as they rode along, he began to notice unusual pieces of what seemed to be metal debris scattered over a large area. After taking a closer look, he said, he saw a shallow trench hundreds of feet long that had been gouged into the ground.

Brazel said he was struck by the unusual properties of the debris. After dragging large pieces of the debris to a shed, he took some of it over to show the Proctors.

The Proctors told Brazel he might be holding wreckage from an alien spacecraft or a government project (a number of UFO sightings had been reported in the United States that summer), and that he should report the incident to Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox.

A couple of days later, Brazel drove into Roswell, the county seat, and reported the incident to Wilcox, who reported it to Maj. Jesse Marcel, intelligence officer for the 509th Bomb Group, stationed at Roswell Army Air Field.

UFO researchers Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle said, in their book A History of UFO Crashes, that their research showed military radar had been tracking an unidentified flying object in the skies over southern New Mexico for 4 days. On the night of July 4, 1947, radar indicated the object had gone down about 30-40 miles northwest of Roswell.

According to their book, eyewitness William Woody, who lived east of Roswell, said he remembered being outside with his father the night of July 4, 1947, when he saw a brilliant object plunge to the ground.

The debris site was closed for several days while the wreckage was cleared, and Schmitt and Randle said that when Woody and his father tried to locate the area of the crash they had seen, Woody said they were stopped by military personnel who ordered them out of the area.


Schmitt and Randle said Marcel, after receiving the call from Wilcox and subsequent orders from Col. William Blanchard, 509th commanding officer, went to investigate Brazel’s report. Marcel and Capt. Sheridan Cavitt, senior Counter Intelligence Corps agent, followed the rancher off-road to his place. They spent the night there and Marcel inspected a large piece of debris Brazel had dragged from the pasture.

According to Marcel, the debris was “strewn over a wide area, I guess maybe three-quarters of a mile long and a few hundred feet wide.” Scattered in the debris were small bits of metal that Marcel held a cigarette lighter to to see if it would burn.

Along with the metal, Marcel described weightless “I”-beam-like structures that were three-eights inch by one-quarter inch, none of them very long, that would neither bend nor break. Some of these “I”-beams had indecipherable characters along the length, in two colors. Marcel also described metal debris the thickness of tinfoil that was indestructible. He’d never seen anything quite like it.

“I didn’t know what we were picking up,” he said. “I still don’t know what it was … It could not have been part of an aircraft, not part of any kind of weather balloon or experimental balloon … I’ve seen rockets … sent up at the White Sands Testing Grounds. It definitely was not part of an aircraft or missile or rocket.”

Under hypnosis conducted by Dr. John Watkins in May 1990, Jesse Marcel Jr. remembered being awakened by his father that night and following him outside to help carry in a large box filled with debris. Once inside, they emptied the contents of the debris onto the kitchen floor.

Jesse Jr. described the lead foil and “I”-beams. Under hypnosis, he recalled the writing on the “I”-beams as “Purple. Strange. Never saw anything like it … different geometric shapes, leaves and circles.”

Marcel reported what he found to Blanchard, showing him pieces of the wreckage, none of which looked like anything Blanchard had ever seen.


An alien life form lying on a hospital bed sealed in a glass case at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

Aliens do exist!

Dr. Jesse Johnson was the base pathologist at Roswell Army Air Field on July, 8 1947, when the bodies of the dead extraterrestrials were believed to have arrived at the base hospital. All who assisted with the examination were sickened by the stench. After a preliminary examination in Roswell, the cadavers were packed in dry ice and shipped in creates to Wright Field where an official examination and autopsy took place, purportedly conducted by Dr. Detlev Bronk of MJ-12.

Weighing about 40 pounds, with long limbs and a thick n torso, the creature was described as measuring between 3 and 4 feet, with a disproportionately large head and eyes. The ears, nose and mouth were reduced to vestiges. The hands and feet had 4 digits that were slightly webbed, with talon-like nails. The skin was described as pinkish-gray in color and reptilian in texture. The skin reportedly exhibited a mesh like structure under a microscope and a liquid with no blood cells pervaded the body.

Meanwhile, Glenn Dennis, a mortician working at Ballard Funeral Home, received some curious calls one afternoon from the RAAF morgue. The base’s mortuary officer was trying to get hold of some small, hermetically sealed coffins. And he also wanted to know how to preserve bodies that had been exposed to the elements for a few days so as to avoid contaminating the tissue.

Dennis drove to the base hospital, where he saw large pieces of wreckage with strange engravings on one of the pieces sticking out of the back of a military ambulance. He entered the hospital and was visiting with a nurse he knew. when suddenly he was threatened by military police and forced to leave.

A yellowed newspaper from 1947 lies at the feet of an alien at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

1947 Newspaper tells the story of this alien at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

The next day, Dennis met with the nurse, who told him about bodies discovered with the wreckage and drew pictures of them on a prescription pad. Within a few days she was transferred to England. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

Roswell Army Air Field Press Release

A display explaining the different types of ufos at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

How many types of UFOs are there?

Blanchard ordered Lt. Walter Haut, RAAF public information officer, to write a press release stating that the  wreckage of a crashed disk had been recovered. It was published on July 8, 1947 on The Associated Press wire, 2 radio stations and both of the local newspapers.

As calls began to pour into the base from all over the world, Lt. Robert Shirkey watched as MPs carried loaded wreckage onto a C-54 from the First Transport Unit. To get a better look, Shirkey stepped around Col. Blanchard, who was irritated with all of the calls coming into the base. Blanchard decided to travel out to the debris field and left instructions that he’d gone on leave.

Headquarters Gets Involved

A wood floor, desks and shelves of books at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

The Library at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

Blanchard had sent Marcel to Fort Worth Army Air Field (which later became Carswell Air Force Base) to report to Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey, commanding officer of the 8th Air Force. Marcel had taken some of the debris with him and displayed it on Ramey’s desk for the general to see when he returned from his “leave”.

Upon his return, Ramey wanted to see the exact location of the debris field, so he and Marcel went to the map room down the hall. But when they returned, the wreckage that had been placed on the desk was gone and a weather balloon was spread out on the floor. Maj. Charles A. Cashon took the now-famous photo of Marcel with the weather balloon in Ramey’s office.

Talk about a cover up – It was then reported that Ramey recognized the remains as part of a weather balloon. Brig. Gen. Thomas DuBose, the chief of staff of the 8th Air Force, said, “[It] was a cover story. The whole balloon part of it. That was the part of the story we were told to give to the public and news and that was it.”

Later that afternoon, Haut’s original press release was rescinded and an officer from the base retrieved all of the copies from the radio stations and newspaper offices. The next day, July 9, a second press release was issued stating that the 509th Bomb Group had mistakenly identified a weather balloon as wreckage of a flying saucer.

The military has tried to convince the news media from that day forward that the object found near Roswell was nothing more than a weather balloon.

A black and white drawing of an alien at the International UFO Museum Roswell NM

Alien drawn by a Roswell, NM school student.

Aren’t you curious about whether or not we are alone in the universe. One visit to the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell NM will convince you that aliens do exist. If you ever get a chance to visit the charming little town of Roswell NM you should take that chance. I highly recommend it!

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