Christmas Dinner 2017 originally published on Food and Fond Memories on December 27, 2017 by sandy axelrod Leave a Comment (Edit)
I hope all of you enjoyed a fabulous Christmas dinner 2017!

Eve’s Cherished Christmas Tree
Christmas Dinner 2017
Ours was spectacular. In our family and circle of friends our Christmas meal and our Thanksgiving meal are just about identical. Since Christmas is not a holiday that Steve and I celebrate we really don’t have any traditions for the menu.

Sunset from our friends’ balcony at The Pointe in Pompano Beach, Florida
When our son and daughter in law lived near us in South Florida we shared the holiday spirit with dinner together. Now that they live so far from us we have made it our tradition to be with them on Thanksgiving. And Christmas we spend with our friends in Pompano Beach. We always joke that the guest list is mostly Jewish with a few Christians thrown in for good measure.

Just a couple of appetizers

Yummy Holiday Turkey
This year was no exception. We dined with a huge group of friends at the home of Joanne and Stuart. We started off with lovely cocktails and an endless assortment of appetizers. This year, as is requested every year, I brought my Caesar Salad to start off the formal portion of the meal. Followed by turkey, stuffing, roasted veggies and corn soufflé.
Then, because we are so stuffed, we took a break and went down to the social room at their condo for our annual gift exchange. That part is always fun. Hilarious actually, because it is one of those where you can steal a gift if you like someone else’s better. The only way to end up with the gift you really want is to strategize. Which is what Steve and I always do.

An Apple Pie and Aunt Rita’s Chocolate Cake
When the gift giving fun is over we all headed back up to Joanne and Stuart’s for more drinks and decadent desserts. This year I made Aunt Rita’s Chocolate Cake from my cookbook to add to the assortment. It is so hard to believe that there are only a few days left in 2017! I hope you all have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve and a fabulous and healthy 2018!!!