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The Artist Sondra Jonson Cambridge NE holding a bronze bust of a young boy.

Artist Sondra Jonson Cambridge NE

Artist Sondra Jonson Cambridge NE is my cousin by marriage. Growing up there was too big an age difference for us to really hang out together as children. But fast forward to present day and we love hanging out together! Artist Sondra Jonson Cambridge NE This year we...
Painted rock with lettering welcoming us to the Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods, in Colorado Springs CO had not even been on our radar. That is until a friend told that it was not to be missed! Garden of the Gods The rock formations at Garden of the Gods are spectacular. They have been created by nature, over time. This is...
Chef Vola's in Atlantic City NJ Never Disappoints with its huge rib veal chop topped with mushrooms and sauce.

Chef Vola’s in Atlantic City NJ Never Disappoints

Chef Vola’s in Atlantic City NJ never disappoints us. Not ever! And we have been dining there for almost 50 years. In fact no trip to the Jersey Shore is complete without a visit to this fabulous place! Chef Vola’s in Atlantic City is one of those hidden...
A giant elephant which was once a hotel is one of the Fun Things at the Jersey Shore

Fun Things at the Jersey Shore

I’m bringing back another post about fun things to do at the Jersey Shore because we are still way too busy having fun here. This is from a several years ago, before we started our full time RV journey. But I have added some additional information about one of...
Two plates topped with cheesesteaks with tomato sauce on Our Pilgrimage to the Jersey Shore

Our Pilgrimage to the Jersey Shore

I am interrupting reporting on our chronological journey because we are enjoying some long needed vacation time. We are on our annual pilgrimage to the Jersey Shore, so I thought I’d republish a post from three years ago. Reading it now, I realized that that was...
Cowboy on horseback tossing pope lasso in the air to capture the calf at Our First Rodeo Durango CO

Our First Rodeo Durango CO

You know how people say “this is not my first rodeo”? Well this was our first rodeo, that we attended while in Durango CO! Our First Rodeo Durango CO Both Steve and I have watched rodeos on television. But actually enjoying a rodeo in person was something...
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